What Are Little Girls Made Of?
"Sugar and spice and everything nice"
Is something to start with, but far from precise!
Some missing ingredients are kindness and strength,
And a stick-to-it way that will take them the length.
A dash of courage, a pinch of awareness,
And just for good measure, a whole cup of fairness.
Then you add equal parts humor and pluck,
And a dollop or two of their own homemade luck.
Fold in a sense of what's wrong from what's right,
And a meter to gauge when it's okay to fight.
A teaspoon of empathy- stir it in well!
Add a couple of shakes of the drive to excel.
A curious spirit, a critical eye,
A questioning mind that knows when to ask, "why?"
A big heaping spoonful of thoughtful respect,
And a smidgeon of sassiness, just for effect!
A strong sense of self and a heart full of love,
If you ask, I say this is what girls are made of.