Where One Might Keep An Ugly Love Hidden
I hid my love for you in a jar
Away on the corner high shelf
So that you may not see how it bleeds
Slow and long for thee when the tide is high
It is ugly in its desires and dreams a bursting
With my ugly love I want to set a roaring fire
I want to set the story of time in a metaphor
Paint a tapestry faded in glory once more
Set a scene of lovers in a new burst of stars
To shine bright in our hearts for an eternity
Above the fear I have of a heart on the run
I hid my love in a jar on the high corner shelf
For fear it might consume my care for you
You might flee away from me to a far land
Where one never finds a love once lost
Where only one lives with the ghosts of time
That dwell in the mind and make you ache
For that, I keep my love hidden in an unknown place.