White Flowers
A group of batteries sleep to revitalize.
One sails harsh waters awake.
There's a certain rain only seen at night.
It is a storm with one carrier to its weight.
The shadows are darker without your power.
An aimless spirit's fallen prey to the past.
Craving for youthful energy.
How long do the memories last?
Falling into another dimension
Because nobody here has the answers.
Swept into your mind, suspended.
Calmly anticipating your battery's expiration.
No author could craft a better life
For the one feeling like an outcast.
But before your skin's seduced by the famous knife,
These words would like to offer something before tonight's the last.
For every sign people ignored,
For your clever illusions of happiness,
You have a little angel that listens and adores.
White flowers wouldn't mind to reminisce.
Joyful pedals loaning open ears wish to take you away
To brush rainbows across the black and grey
Because regardless of what you believe,
They know anything can grow from the smallest seed.
Have you ever wondered where you would go
If your imagination was a real place?
Would you rediscover the child you knew so long ago?
Or morph into a separate person to escape?
Would you try to see the good in all the evil
Or protect yourself from a world plunging into hell?
Maybe you cherish being alone,
The littlest suggestion of isolation making you feel at home.
Darkness wanted you to hide,
But you found peace with your body and mind.
Why was there a need to hold on
For a place you didn't belong?
You dared to be the eagle that flew away,
Eager for what lingers beyond the cage.
There lies a beautiful garden outside the room you hide
And nature would like you to have something before the lost life.
For every word that won't be spoken,
Every breakdown the people around you never see,
Know that the greatest potentials
Can come from the smallest seeds.
White flowers boldly unfold for new grounds.
Outside humble shells lie opportunity.
But they are patient for the lost to be found.
The damned to set themselves free.
"Am I the problem?"
No other explanations given for the incidents surrounding you.
Our youngest should have been happy and innocent,
But what happened made you a victim of imprisonment.
The lone soldier battling for peace
Is at war with themselves.
Nightmares and demons never truly ceased.
No one to relate with for help.
While you stay strong to forget the haunting former life,
Don't drink away what you don't want to face.
What's more useful than giving up or wanting to die
Are two simple things you could find in a different place.
White flowers are the human beings behind digital screens.
Open-minded, online hearts listen more than the polluted society.
Should you ever desire something more,
Perhaps the lonely road you walk leads to the love of the Lord.