Why me?

by Dvor

Pale and gaunt with fear,

She was under constant medical care,

As the illness progressed,

She had to say goodbye to everything that she held dear

She knew that her end was near.


Soon she would be gone

The children knew

There was no denying

As they stood around her bed

The little boy burst out crying

And to his mother he asked,

in pain

His eyes filled with tears.


Tell me mother, why were you the chosen one?

To suffer so, to undergo,

Till all is gone?

Why you mommy of all people,

What will be?

You’ll leave us here all alone a broken family

Don’t leave me mommy.


Listen son,

I can’t explain your question dear,

For I too do not want to leave you here

But when everything I did went successfully

My life sailed along smoothly

I never asked the question why to me


When I married, still so young,

I didn’t ask, why me not everyone

When I was granted with the task,

To bring up beautiful kids

I didn’t reflect I didn’t ask,

Why, why me God?


I didn’t wonder all along

When life was good

When nothing went wrong.

And now when life is hard,

I must endure so much pain,

To ask questions I can’t start

I’ll pray

Help me understand.