8. On Domitian's Law Protecting Children -

As though, O shame, it did not him suffice
To prostitute our youths to venal vice,
The pander seized our cradles for his prey
And forced young babes to earn him shameful pay,
Till Rome's great father wrathful at the sight
Saved the poor children from their monstrous plight;
E'en as to youths he lately gave his aid
Lest they by cruel lust be sterile made.
Boys, youths, and elders loved thee, Sire, before:
Now infants too thy majesty adore.

7. To Afer -

Now you're home from your travels in lands far away,
For a week I've been wanting to bid you good-day.
" He's engaged," " he's asleep"; that has been my reply:
That's enough; if you won't have — " good-day," here's — " good-bye."

6. On Domitian's Revival of the Lex Scantinia -

Thee , O world-father who with conquering sword
The Rhine hast humbled, O most modest lord,
The cities thank for people: in thy time
To bring forth children is at last no crime.
No boy, polluted by a pander's art,
Mourns for his manhood now, no mother's heart
Is wrung by grief when to her child she shows
The pittance which the haughty pimp allows.
The shame our marriage-beds had lost, by thee
Even in brothels we begin to see.

4. The Price of Secrecy -

A COUPLE of pound hasn't much of a sound, but for everyday use it's enough;
If you want something more you will have to pay four and for that you get really hot stuff.
Some people give ten, but the inference then is of black-mailers they are afraid,
And betwixt you and me, as I think you'll agree, what they pay for is — " Not a word said ."

3. To Domitian -

Were you, great Sire, from heaven to reclaim
All you have given, a creditor in name,
Though great Olympus were put up for sale
And the gods auctioned, naught would it avail —
Atlas would bankrupt go, nor Tonans get
A shilling in the pound to pay his debt.
How could he settle for the Capitol
Or for his shrine with oak-leaf garlands full?
Pallas I leave; she shares with you, we know:
But what must Juno for two temples owe?
And then the twins, Alcides and Apollo,
The Flavian chapel — and there's more to follow.

1. On Domitian's Temple -

While Janus gives his name to winter's tide;
While from Domitian autumn gains new pride,
As summer from Augustus; while the day
Of the Germanic Kalends marks our sway
O'er conquered Rhine; while Jove's rock-temple stands,
And matrons come with prayer and suppliant hands
Worship to pay to Julia divine;
So long shall last the mighty Flavian shrine,
With sun and stars coeval and with Rome,
Work of unconquered hand, the heaven its home.

Wisdom of Solomon, Paraphrased, The - Chapter 19


Avaunt, destroyer, with thy hungry jaws,
Thy thirsty heart, thy longing ashy bones!
The righteous live, they be not in thy laws,
Nor subjects to thy deep-oppressing moans:
Let it suffice that we have seen thy show,
And tasted but the shadow of thy woe.

Yet stay, and bring thy empty car again,
More ashy vessels do attend thy pace;
More passengers expect thy coming wain,

Wisdom of Solomon, Paraphrased, The - Chapter 18


You know the eagle by her soaring wings,
And how the swallow takes a lower pitch;
Ye know the day is clear and clearness brings,
And how the night is poor, though gloomy-rich:
This eagle virtue is, which mounts on high;
The other sin, which hates the heaven's eye.

This day is wisdom, being bright and clear;
This night is mischief, being black and foul;
The brightest day doth wisdom's glory wear,


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