12-2024 News

581.Winners of new “After the End” poetry competition announced - Nuffield Department of Population Health
582.Milford, MA Author Publishes Poetry Collection - PR Leap
583.Orange High grad pens book of devotionals, poetry - newsoforange.com
584.Poetry Winners - Santa Fe New Mexican
585.COWBOY POETRY: New Snow Boots - Cache Valley Daily
586.Aria Aber Soothes Her Hangover With Mexican Korean Soup - Grub Street
587.Inspiration on Demand: Meet Denver’s Instant Poets - 303 Magazine
588.8 Powerful Poetry Collections Exploring Mental Health - Electric Literature
589.Poems by Heart, Cont. - National Review
590.Git scrievin: Scots language poetry winners revealed - HeraldScotland
591.Pen pals: How this ASU professor struck up a friendship with a famous poet - KJZZ
592.Poets' Night Out - northernexpress.com
593.A Garden Creates the Need for a Gardener - zocalopublicsquare.org
594.Rob’s Former High School English Teacher Stops By… Poet, Author, & Local Educator John Hopkins! - 95.9 WATD-FM
595.Mata Ortiz "Poetry of the Clay: Poesía del Barro" - KRWG
596.UC’s spring Visiting Writers Series promises, robust, diverse line-up - University of Cincinnati
597.City of Boston Poet Laureate - Boston.gov
598.Aria Aber Soothes Her Hangover With Mexican Korean Soup - Grub Street
599.Roads of Poetry - National Review
600.“What Zarqaʾ al-Yamama Didn’t Say,” a Poem by Mohamed Abdelbari - Literary Hub
