At Judge White's, in the Delaware Forest

Rev. Francis Asbury:
Saturday night! How the forest wind raves!
Call in for prayers the people and slaves:
Ere breaks the Sabbath let Christians be grim—
What is that singing? What is that hymn?

Song from the Kitchen:
“Kitty Cazier! Save me a rose!
That in thy casement or bright bosom grows;
'Twould smell of thee, sweetheart so dear,
Out in the snowdrift, Kitty Cazier!”

Mr. Asbury:
Sister, is not that a hymn of the war?
Oh, this Rebellion! It's near and it's far!
Wesley's poor soldiers are hermits abhorred—
Sweet is that voice if 'twas pitched to the Lord!

The Song;
“Kitty Cazier! save me a smile!
Far on the march it would light me the while;
If I should die it would take away fear;
Save me a bright smile, Kitty Cazier!”

Mr. Asbury:
Brethren are whipped, and hanged one has been;
Poor Brother Clowe preached and died on the Green.
Now, raise the hymn; and “Old Hundred” it is;
(Surely, that sister who sings. is remiss.)

The Song:
“Kitty Cazier! Save me a thought!
'Twould make a man of me, dear, when I fought;
Thinking of me, it would drive away care,
Thinking of thee, 'twould be Kitty Cazier.”

Mr. Asbury:
Satan! Thy worldly chords shed a delight;
(Sure 'tis a Nightingale singing at night!
Not out of England have I heard the bird).
Enter, thou tempter, and hark to the Word!

The Song:
“Kitty Cazier! Save me a kiss!
How it would feed me when food was remiss;
How, when disbanded and drawing thee near,
It would be victory, Kitty Cazier!”

Mr. Asbury:
Love! these young hearts go up Thee as a stair.
(Almost that damsel has scattered my prayer).
Come in, my sister, we're on Sabbath's rim;
Kneel! I will pray for thy soul and thy hymn.

The Song:
“Kitty Cazier! Save me thy heart!
Let not thy lover's heart, losing thee, smart!
Heart to heart beating, Heaven is here!
Sweet Independence! Kitty Cazier!”

Mr. Asbury:
Echo? Or are they recruits on the way
Down the thick rivers that lead to the Bay?
Bother Cornwallis is fast in the fork
At the Bay's mouth 'twixt the James and the York!
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