Jubilation T. Cornpone

When we fought the Yankees and annihilation was near,
Who was there to lead the charge that took us safe to the rear?
Why it wuz Jubilation T. Cornpone,
Old “Toot-Your-Own-Horn-pone,”
Jubilation T. Cornpone,
A man who knew no fear.

When we almost had 'em but the issue still was in doubt,
Who suggested the retreat that turned it into a rout?
Why it was Jubilation T. Cornpone,
Old “Tattered-and-Torn-pone,”
Jubilation T. Cornpone,
Who kept us hidin' out.

With our ammunition gone and faced with utter defeat,
Who was it that burned the crops and left us nothin' to eat?
Why it wuz Jubilation T. Cornpone,
Old “September-Morn-pone,”
Jubilation T. Cornpone,
The pants blown off his seat.
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