May Days

The white legs and bare feet of winter
Go like a widow who gave warm kisses but now
With pert breasts comes my flouncy lady bouncing
Her drawers white chrysanthemums upon her plump novembers

Whisking the sorrow that lies in mean hollows
Her elegant sights rowmoundeously swell
The volume out most properly
To rich barytone the male soprano knees
Jilting her garters' coquetries for the
Full volume of fresh knees she'd strip
For any lad that knew how.

But there are the hard cruel faces in the morning newspapers that.

Crackle and sneer in the hands that hold them
Spring is announced in the purest silk union maidensilk
That daintyfits the girls rosepuff weddingwear
And the little shopgirls hang over the town bridgerail
Kick up their heels and when the new moon comes
Up the river they know how to speak to it
Far away the scowls of the hard cruel faces in the
Morning newspapers very near the crisp stiff pettycoats.
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