The Battle Cry

OH , HO ! for the battle, the fight is on,
And why should I fear, tho' the cannons roar,
And I strive alone, with the standard gone?
Still let me fight till the battle is o'er,
Altho' I may hope for success no more.
Oh, ho, for the battle! Fight on, fight on!

Failure seems certain, but what care I?
Whether the battle be lost or won,
Still let me strive 'neath the darkening sky,
Hoping, perhaps, when day is done,
That rest will come with the setting sun.
Oh, ho, for the battle, to live or to die!

Rest I shall find in the evening of life,
Rest untainted by cowardly thought,
Rest from the wearisome tumult and strife,
Knowing, whatever the issue, I fought
At my King's command, as His soldier ought.
Oh, ho, for the battle, the battle of life.
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