The Imprese
God mee a Rubye gave,
And I therein,
Desir'd t'ingrave,
Some Imprese fine
The world did mee advise,
There to display,
High dignityes,
And honours gay:
Or treasures rich at least:
The Flesh invites,
To have imprest,
There, all delights.
While dubious counsells thus,
Did mee divide,
With various gusts,
I look'd aside,
And saw a blessed Name,
Of one, who dy'd
A death of shame,
'Cause Hee was try'd
By unjust suffrages:
His name then I,
Made my Imprese,
Most joyfully./
And I therein,
Desir'd t'ingrave,
Some Imprese fine
The world did mee advise,
There to display,
High dignityes,
And honours gay:
Or treasures rich at least:
The Flesh invites,
To have imprest,
There, all delights.
While dubious counsells thus,
Did mee divide,
With various gusts,
I look'd aside,
And saw a blessed Name,
Of one, who dy'd
A death of shame,
'Cause Hee was try'd
By unjust suffrages:
His name then I,
Made my Imprese,
Most joyfully./
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