Ode on the General Peace

B RITANNIA ! rear thy drooping head,
The noisy din of war is fled;
Celestial peace from heaven descends,
To this blest isle her course she bends,
And waves the olive-branch on high,
Diffusing fragrance thro' the sky.
Hark! Albion's joyful shores rebound,
Her rocks re-echo back the sound!
The listening plains
Repeat the strains,
And hail the goddess all around.

See smiling plenty in her train,
Attendant on her blissful reign;
Enfeebled commerce quickly springs,
Exerts her powers, expands her wings,
Shakes off dull sloth, inactive sleep,
And boldly launches thro' the deep,
Asserting Britain's wat'ry reign,
Where'er the foaming surges roll
O'er all the wide extended main,
And spreads her fame from pole to pole.

Opposing nations strove in vain—
The force of France, the pride of Spain,
Confed'rate foes, in vain were join'd,
And Bourbon all her powers combin'd;
Firm as her rocks Britannia stood,
Unrivall'd Empress of the flood!
With kind propitious heaven her guide,
Their empty threats she still defy'd:
She saw with smiles
Their baffled wiles,
And laugh'd at their insulting pride.

Where rushing with impetuous force,
The straiten'd sea contracts its course,
Impregnable Mount Calpe stands,
As bound in adamantine bands.
'Twas there our daring foes assail'd,
And there their every project fail'd.
Illustrious Elliot saw on high
Their near approach, untouch'd with dread;
Bid Britain's flaming thunders fly,
And pour'd destruction on their heads.

O direful scene! what streams of blood,
With crimson stain the sanguine flood!
O dreadful sound! what shrieks arise,
And dismal groans ascend the skies!

Hark! how the bursting cannons roar,
And loud explosions shake the shore;
Array'd in every horrid form,
Death rides triumphant in the storm;
With terror crown'd,
He stalks around,
There bids the raging flames devour,
And Ocean smoke with human gore.

'Twas then, in that tremendous hour,
Celestial mercy shew'd her power:
Her favourite seat was Elliott's breast,
With radiance there she shone confest;
That soul where ardent courage glow'd,
And every softer feeling flow'd;
The conquering hand, that crush'd our foes,
Now every kind assistance gave,
Commiserated their bleeding woes,
And snatch'd them from a wat'ry grave.

Illustrious man! the trump of fame,
Thro' distant climes shall found thy name;
Nor thine alone, thy valiant hosts,
With triumphs loud, Britannia boasts;
Bestows the laurels they have won,
And claims them for her darling sons.

The Honours due to George's crown,
Our vanquish'd foes reluctant own;
But tir'd of arms,
And war's alarms,
Their hostile preparations cease,
Resign, and humbly sue for peace.

'Tis done, 'tis done, Britannia reigns!
Whilst peace and plenty crown her plains;
Whilst industry with pleasing toil,
And chearful labour ploughs the soil;
Whilst heaven-born science spreads her charms,
And public zeal each bosom warms;
See shining with superior force,
Fair liberty benignly smile!
Of every joy the latent source,
And crown with bliss her favourite isle.English
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