To Susan Patterson with a Purse

Green and Gold and Violet,
Fair and well-commingled hues,
Ev'n as in a rainbow met,
Such the colours that I choose
In the silken purse to weave,
Gift that Susan will receive.

Green and Violet and Gold—
Such the colours that appear
On Mount Skiddaw's bosom bold,
When the air is fresh and clear,
By the glowing light of day
In the merry month of May!

Larches of the tenderest green
Fit for Spring's transparent vest,
Heath-clad rocks that peep between
All in roseate Purple drest,
Golden Furze around them clinging
On the air sweet odours flinging,—

All of these are softly blended
On my native mountain now;—
Would that ere the Summer's ended
Thou could'st climb its lofty brow,
Or when vernal tints give place
To rich Autumn's mellow face!
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