HYMN 57. L.M. Praise to the King of Zion
King Jesus, reign for evermore
Unrivall'd in the courts above;
While we with all thy saints adore
The wonders of redeeming love.
No other Lord but thee we'll know,
No other pow'r but thine confess;
We'll spread thine honours while below,
And heav'n shall hear us shout thy grace.
We'll sing along the heav'nly road
That leads us to our bless'd abode,
Till with the vast unnumber'd throng
On Zion's hill, we join our song:—
Till with pure hearts and voices sweet
We cast our crowns at Jesu's feet,
And sing of everlasting love
In everlasting strains above.
Unrivall'd in the courts above;
While we with all thy saints adore
The wonders of redeeming love.
No other Lord but thee we'll know,
No other pow'r but thine confess;
We'll spread thine honours while below,
And heav'n shall hear us shout thy grace.
We'll sing along the heav'nly road
That leads us to our bless'd abode,
Till with the vast unnumber'd throng
On Zion's hill, we join our song:—
Till with pure hearts and voices sweet
We cast our crowns at Jesu's feet,
And sing of everlasting love
In everlasting strains above.
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