Psalm 131

O Lord, I am not apt to deal
In pompous thoughts and self-esteem,
Nor, with the failings that I feel,
Upon superior greatness dream;
Nor, shew to bear my neighbour down,
A haughty supercilious frown.

I study not to train my tongue
In subtle and abstruse disputes,
Nor is my fixt attention hung
On him that reasons or refutes;
I am not fond to interfere
With things that soar beyond my sphere.

But grace by pray'r my soul refrains,
And keeps it low with all her means,
As when the nurse herself constrains,
And from the breast her infant weans;
Yea, like the suckling from the breast,
I keep my soul from food and rest.

O children of the chosen stock
From all the nations of mankind,
Your trust repose in God your rock,
And bear his benefits in mind;
And call'd of Jesus Christ, adore
His mercies ev'n more and more.
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