On the Booke

God binding with hid tendons this great all,
Did make a lute which had all parts it giuen;
This lute's round bellie was the azur'd heaven,
The rose those lights which hee did there install;
The basses were the earth and ocean,
The treble shrill the aire; the other strings
The vnlike bodies were of mixed things:
And then his hand to breake sweete notes began.
Those loftie concords did so farre rebound,
That floods, rocks, meadows, forrests, did them heare,
Birds, fishes, beasts, danc'd to their siluer sound;
Onlie to them man had a deafned eare:
Now him to rouse from sleepe so deepe and long,
God wak'ned hath the eccho of this song.
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