I'm on My Way to Canaan

1. I'm on my way to Canaan, I bid this world farewell. Come
2. I'll blow the gospel trumpet loud, And on the nations call; For
on, my fellow travelers, In spite of earth and hell. Though
Christ hath me commissionèd To say he died for all. Come
Satan's army rages hard, And all his hosts combine, Yet
try his grace, come prove him now, You shall the gift obtain; He
scripture doth engage the sword, And strength of love divine.
will not send you empty away, Nor let you come in vain.

3. My soul looks up and sees him smile,
While he the blessing sends,
And I am thinking all the while
“When will this journey end?”
I contemplate it can't be long
Till he will come again,
Then I shall join that heavenly throng,
And in his kingdom reign.

4. “But stop,” says Patience, “wait awhile,
The crown's for those who fight,
The prize for those who run the race
By faith and not by sight.”
Then Faith doth take a pleasing view,
Hope waits. Love sits and sings,
Desire flutters to be gone,
But Patience clips her wings.
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