The City of New-York

Atlantic city! brightly art thou beaming,
Throwing thy kindling ray o'er land and sea,
Enlightening myriads with thy far-spread gleaming,
Home of the free!

Giant of wealth! thine arm of mighty power
Sweeps to thy coffers gold from distant shores;
While on each asking hand thy Danae shower,
Its treasures pours.

Religion's nurse! on spire and towers still flying,
The Christian standard floats unfurled and free;
Never our bold forefathers' claim denying,
Mind's liberty!

Favourite of nature! on thy green shore dwelling,
Bright spring-flowers bloom,—the wild birds carol gay,
And the green ocean laves thy broad pier, smiling
In noisy play.

Haven of ships! thy storm-tried masts are standing,
With their tall foreheads to the meeting clouds,
A floating world—the billowy world commanding,
With their tough shrouds.

Syren of pleasure! in thy halls bright glancing,
Youth gaily springs, and prunes her buoyant wing.
Do purity and truth the mirth enhancing,
Their chorus bring?

Oh, mighty city, to thy trust is given
A moral influence—a Christian sway!
Souls throng thy busy streets to people heaven,—
Let them not stray.

Atlantic cities! rouse ye all from sleeping
Sin's deadly sleep, lest drops of grief be wrung
From Him who o'er Judea sadly weeping,
Her death-note sung.
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