Blow, Boys, Blow

1 Oh, a Yankee ship came down the river,
Blow, boys, blow!
He luffs her up till her tops'ls shiver,
Blow, my bully boys, blow!

2 Oh, a Yankee ship, she's a Yankee clipper,
A Yankee ship with a Yankee skipper!

3 This Yankee ship, she's bound to China,
Hooray, my boys, it's time to jine her!

4 “Now, how d'ye know she's a Yankee packet?”
“They fired a gun, I heard the racket.”

5 “And how d'ye know she's bound to China?”
“The Stars and Stripes stream out behind 'er.”

6 “Now, who d'ye think was the skipper of her?”
“Jimmy Long Jackson, a South Sea rover.”

7 Oh, Jimmy Long Jackson's a Yankee sailor,
Oh, Jimmy Long Jackson's a South Sea whaler.

8 Oh, blow today, we'll blow tomorrow,
We'll blow away all care and sorrow.
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