To My Deere Friend Io. Murray, Esquire, Brother to Sir James, &c.
M VRRAY , I muse what coulors I should vse
To paint thy nature out, and deck thy name:
When I bethinke me of thy phenix Muse,
I feare all coulors wilbe found too blame.
She, like that rare Arabian bird, is such
That richest words by Rhethoritians vs'd
Wilbee but shadowes, or not all so much;
Then, neede her painter's skill be heau'n infus'd.
Thy mother-witt and science are of powre
To make selfe-faireness fowle and fowlenes faire:
Then sith my Muse too heauy is to towre,
Ile say no more but this,—I do despaire:
For Arte may paint the coales or flames of fire
But light and heate aboue all arte aspire.
To paint thy nature out, and deck thy name:
When I bethinke me of thy phenix Muse,
I feare all coulors wilbe found too blame.
She, like that rare Arabian bird, is such
That richest words by Rhethoritians vs'd
Wilbee but shadowes, or not all so much;
Then, neede her painter's skill be heau'n infus'd.
Thy mother-witt and science are of powre
To make selfe-faireness fowle and fowlenes faire:
Then sith my Muse too heauy is to towre,
Ile say no more but this,—I do despaire:
For Arte may paint the coales or flames of fire
But light and heate aboue all arte aspire.
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