Of the Strength of Cornutus His Faith

C ORNUTUS saith Religion changd hath bin
Thrice in his time, and he hath changd with it;
He once beleeu'd good workes did heauen win;
Then thought sole faith obtain'd that benefit:
Yet was perswaded in Queene Marie's time,
That workes were they that gaind the blisse of heauen;
But after-times held faith in workes a crime,
And of his faith in workes haue him bereauen;
Yet for his faith, O tis omnipotent!
But holds good-workes to be but workes of men.
Whose words, workes, thoughts, are all but impotent:
Thus what of yore he lik'd he lothes agen.
But were his faith then's workes no stronger growne
Hee ne're would take his children for his owne.
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