To the Well Worded and Ingenious Mr. Richard Marten of the Middle Temple
Sacred Apollo, man-god, god and man,
God among men, with god man deifide,
At wit his sunne-bright glory first began
By whome in time wit was so rarifide
That men ador'd him as if god he were:
Such force hath wit in Wits supremacie:
Which engine may, in time, thy fortunes reare
Vnto high dignity if not to deitie:
For be it that thou knowest thy wit is thine:
(Vnwitry we'rt thou if thou knewst it not)
Can darkenesse light obscure when sunne doth shine?
Or can eyes see when darkenesse light doth blot?
Kings haue long armes, wide eares and piercing eyes
They must haue such, or els they be not kinges;
So wit in soueraignty all things discries,
And to th' intelligence all knowledge brings
If wit knowes all and leaues itselfe vnknowne
It's to itselfe a monster most vnkinde:
Vnlike itselfe vnto itselfe it's showne:
And scants itselfe of power to it assignd
To knowe itselfe yet well itselfe confine
Is (of meere humane) to be all diuine.
God among men, with god man deifide,
At wit his sunne-bright glory first began
By whome in time wit was so rarifide
That men ador'd him as if god he were:
Such force hath wit in Wits supremacie:
Which engine may, in time, thy fortunes reare
Vnto high dignity if not to deitie:
For be it that thou knowest thy wit is thine:
(Vnwitry we'rt thou if thou knewst it not)
Can darkenesse light obscure when sunne doth shine?
Or can eyes see when darkenesse light doth blot?
Kings haue long armes, wide eares and piercing eyes
They must haue such, or els they be not kinges;
So wit in soueraignty all things discries,
And to th' intelligence all knowledge brings
If wit knowes all and leaues itselfe vnknowne
It's to itselfe a monster most vnkinde:
Vnlike itselfe vnto itselfe it's showne:
And scants itselfe of power to it assignd
To knowe itselfe yet well itselfe confine
Is (of meere humane) to be all diuine.
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