To the Deere and Eternal Memory of Our Renowned Late English Millitary-Knights and Chieftaines
True martiall skill and Valor's most renownd,
While Fame a trumpet hath, or Arte a pen;
Though men be enulous or forgetfull found,
Yet Learning bath a clouen tongue, and then
(In firy language) she doth thundring sound
The fame of these nine worthies (men of men)
Then Death though in the graue thy glory bee,
Their fame shall there interre both it and thee.
While Fame a trumpet hath, or Arte a pen;
Though men be enulous or forgetfull found,
Yet Learning bath a clouen tongue, and then
(In firy language) she doth thundring sound
The fame of these nine worthies (men of men)
Then Death though in the graue thy glory bee,
Their fame shall there interre both it and thee.
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