The Young American

Scion of a noble stock!
Hands of iron—hearts of oak—
Follow with unflinching tread
Where the noble fathers led.

Craft and subtle treachery,
Gallant youth! are not for thee:
Follow thou in word and deeds
Where the God within thee leads.

Honesty with steady eye,
Truth and pure simplicity,
Love that gently winneth hearts,
These shall be thy only arts—

Prudent in the council-train,
Dauntless on the battle-plain,
Ready at the country's need
For her glorious cause to bleed.

Where the dews of night distill
Upon Vernon's holy hill;
Where above it, gleaming far,
Freedom lights her guiding star—

Thither turn the steady eye,
Flashing with a purpose high;
Thither with devotion meet
Often turn the pilgrim feet.

Let thy noble motto be,
“G OD —the Country —L IBERTY !”
Planted on Religion's rock,
Thou shalt stand in every shock.

Laugh at danger, far or near;
Spurn at baseness—spurn at fear;
Still, with persevering might,
Speak the truth, and do the right.

So shall Peace, a charming guest,
Dove-like in thy bosom rest;
So shall Honor's steady blaze
Beam upon thy closing days.

Happy if celestial favor
Smile upon the high endeavor:
Happy if it be thy call
In the holy cause to fall.
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