Come stand around me young and old

Come stand around me young and old
And see me welcome death so bold.
My youthful heart it is so brave,
I—do not fear to—meet the grave.

Young men, young lads come learn of me,
A sad and mournful history;
And may you not forgetful be
Of the story I relate to thee.

My sins are great, I do admit,
Our Saviour's power is greater yet;
And on His mercy I rely,
For pardon when I come to die.

For murder I am now arraigned,
In the dark dungeon bound in chains;
I have twenty-eight days yet to mourn,
Bound in my gloomy, dungeon home.

Then my soul must fly away
To darkest nights or brighter days;
My youthful heart it is so brave,
I do not fear to meet the grave.
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