The King's Favorites

A King, once summoned his favorites;
Four gallant young knight, were they;
And bade them to add to his kingdom,
By conquering lands, far away.
“And honor and glory is waiting,” said he,
“For the one who brings greatest riches to me.”

Lord Prudence, bowed and said nothing;
Humility flushed like a girl;
Ambition was loud with his braggings,
To bring back conquered, a world.
But Lord Pride turned scorning, and said with conceit,
“Sir knight, why so hopeful, with me to defeat?

So each of the young knight departed;
And legions of men had they;
But two of the lords united';
And two marched different ways.
Pride and Ambition teared union would prove,
To be a sad robber to fame, that both loved.

Pride's army once pitched in a valley,
For a respite after a fight,
When the foemen came and surprised them,
And took most captive, by night.
Poor Pride humbled, by soldiers bereft,
Doggedly dashed out his brains down a cleft.

Sir Ambition drew up to a city,
Whose fortresses threat'ningly frowned,
And the first blinding volley that met him,
Struck half of his grand army down.
And next they were all confusion and strife;
So Ambition was forced to yield up his life.

But Humility and Prudence,
In union they fight and toil;
Conqu'ring wherever they meet the foe,
And marching off proudly with spoils.
Always successful in union's fair strength,
With priceless treasres they maurched home at length.

The king rode out from the palace;
In a thoughtful mood was he,
For he saw the train approaching,
And he wondered which should it be.
And he said “Oh knights of Chivalry,
Which of you brings greatest riches to me?”

The knights knelt down before him,
With—“Together we fought and bled,
Together we routed the foemen,
'Mid wounded, dying, and dead;
So, together our trophies to thee, we bring,
And jointly, we crave thy blessing, oh king!”

The king gave freely his blessing,
And bade them to take the lead;
But his eye with a tear was moistened,
As he sadly mounted his steed;
And he looked at his court that rode at his side,
And he missed bold Ambition and high-headed Pride.

And he said, “This day's grand triumph,
Hangs dark and heavy o'er me;
And I see an incompleteness,
That oh! would I fain not be;
How can earth's pomp with my grand court abide,
Since I've lost Ambition and high-headed Pride?”
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