When Jesus Christ Was Here Below

When Jesus Christ was here below
He taught his people what to do
And if we would his precepts keep
We must descend to washing feet.

For on that night He was betrayed,
He for us all a pattern laid;
Soon as His supper He did eat,
He rose and washed His brethern's feet.

The Lord by whom all things were made
Arose, and by His garments laid;
He washed them all to let them see
How equal all of them should be.

He washed them all the Scriptures say
Yet Judas did his Lord betray;
May none of us like Judas sell
The Lord for gold and go to hell.

Peter said, “Lord, it shall not be
Thou shalt not stoop to washing me!”
Oh, that no Christian here may say
I am unwilling to obey.

“You call me Lord and Master too,
Then do as I have done to you.
All my commands and counsels keep
And show your love by washing feet.

“Ye shall be happy if you know
And do the things by faith below;
And I'll protect you till you die
And then remove you up on high.”
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