Jesu Crist, heovene king

Jesu Crist, heovene king,
Gef us alle good ending
That bone biddeth thee;
At the biginning of my song,
Jesu, I thee preye among
In stude all wher I be.
For thou art king of alle;
To thee I clepie and calle,
Thou have mercy of me!

This ender day in o morewening,
With drery herte and gret mourning
On my folie I thoghte;
One that is so swete a thing,
That ber Jesu, the hevene king,
Mercy I besoghte.

Jesu, for thy muchele might,
Thou graunte us alle hevene light,
That us so dere boghtest.
For thy mercy, Jesu swete,
Thin hondywerk nult thou lete,
That thou well yerne soghtest.

Well ichot and soth it is
That in this world nis no bliss,
Bote care, serewe, and pine;
Tharefore ich rede we wurchen so
That we mowe come to
The joye withoute fine.
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