Parable 52. Humility Recommended


Humility recommended.

Christ did this parable repeat
To certain bidden to a treat,
When he remark'd each eager guest
To chuse his place out for the best.
‘Invited to the bridegroom's cheer,
‘In his chief room do not appear,
‘Lest some great man of nobler race
‘Be bidden to the self-same place,
‘And he that bade thee, come and say,
‘To your superior, friend, give way;
‘And thou begin with shame to burn,
‘And to the lowest place return.
‘But when thou'rt ask'd, do not presume,
‘And sit thee in the meanest room,
‘That he who bade thee there to sup,
‘May call thee, friend, come higher up;
‘And thou shall have respect with those,
‘Who next to thee their seats dispose.
‘For whoso will himself exalt,
‘Shall be abas'd for his default:
‘But men who're mean in their own eyes,
‘Shall from humiliation rise.’
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