To a Katydid

Sprite , in leafy covert hid,
'Twixt your “did n't” and your “did,”
Simple folk are quite in doubt
What your talk is all about.
“ Did ” and “ did n't! ” That's a clear
Contradiction, Katie, dear;
One would think you scarcely knew
Any odds between the two.
“Did?” but what? And where? And when?
“Did n't!” There you go again!
Such a slippery little chit!—
After all, what matters it?
Who—do you imagine—cares,
Katie, for your small affairs?
Hold your peace; and, for the rest,
We 'll concede you did your best.
If you did n't, more 's the shame;
If you did, then where 's the blame?
So give o'er: you won't be chid
Though you did n't or you did.
Only—your own counsel keep,
Letting honest people sleep;
If you did, then be it so;
If you did n't, let it go!
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