Faith in Time of War
I read of battles, and my faith grows weak;
Does God look down on us with pitying eye?
With loving care each day his children seek?
I ask, but hear no voice to mine reply!
When tens and hundreds dying strew the plain,
What thought, I ask, is there for one alone?
Heeds He the single sufferer's short, sharp pain?
Hears He amidst the shouts his dying groan?
Ah faithless heart! No one forsaken is,
Each soul of man is his perpetual care;
Living, or dying we are ever His,
Whose tender mercies all his creatures share;
Who, though the sword may slay, has power to save;
And gives to man the victory o'er the grave!
Does God look down on us with pitying eye?
With loving care each day his children seek?
I ask, but hear no voice to mine reply!
When tens and hundreds dying strew the plain,
What thought, I ask, is there for one alone?
Heeds He the single sufferer's short, sharp pain?
Hears He amidst the shouts his dying groan?
Ah faithless heart! No one forsaken is,
Each soul of man is his perpetual care;
Living, or dying we are ever His,
Whose tender mercies all his creatures share;
Who, though the sword may slay, has power to save;
And gives to man the victory o'er the grave!
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