Fanny, Blooming Fair

When Fanny, blooming fair,
First caught my ravish'd sight,
Pleas'd with her shape and air,
I felt a strange delight
Whilst eagerly I gaz'd,
Admiring every part,
And ev'ry feature prais'd,
She stole into my heart.

In her bewitching eyes
Ten thousand loves appear,
There Cupid basking lies,
His shafts are hoarded there.
Her blooming cheeks are dy'd
With colour all her own,
Excelling far the pride
Of roses newly blown.

Her well-turn'd limbs confess
The lucky hand of Jove,
Her features all express
The beauteous queen of love
What flames my nerves invade
When I behold the breast
Of that too charming maid
Rise suing to be prest!

Venus round Fanny's waist
Has her own cestus bound,
There guardian Cupids grace,
And dance the circle round
How happy must he be,
Who shall her zone unloose!
That bliss to all but me,
May heav'n and she refuse.
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