A New Divorce.

Says Pug o’ Joan’s, o’ Haworth Brah,
To Rodge, o’ Wickin Crag—
“Ahr Nelly’s tung’s a yard too long,
And by t’mess it can wag.

“It’s hell at top o’ t’earth wi’ me,
An’ stand it I am forc’d;
I’d give all t’brass ’at I possess,
If I could get divorced.”

Then answered Rodge, “I hev a dodge,
As good a plan as any;
A real divorce tha’ll get of course—
It willn’t cost a penny.”

“Then tell me what it is,” says Pug,
“I’m almost brocken-hearted,”
“Well, go to Keethlah Warkhase, lad,
Where man an’ wife are parted.”
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