Oh! Come Let Us Bow Down

Gather to your solemn meeting,
Ye who weep for human woe!
God is never tir'd of greeting
Those who seek his face below;—
Sought for humbly,
Rich his mercies ever flow.

Pray for those in cruel fetters,
Bound by avarice and pride;
Pray for those to whom the letters
God hath written are denied;
Lord! in mercy,
Break the pow'r thy word to hide.

Pray for sold and banish'd brothers,
Whom their barter'd sisters mourn;
Pray for broken-hearted mothers,
From their smiling infants torn:—
Griefs too heavy,
Grace not helping, to be borne.

Pray for hearts by bondage blighted,
Till their brutal chains they love;
Pray for souls that stray benighted
Where the gospel shines above:
Oh! renew them
In thine image, Heav'nly Dove!

Pray with tears for proud oppressors,
Trampling on the truth they hate;
Pray for reprobate professors
Hast'ning to a darker fate;
Oh! let mercy
Check them ere it be too late.
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