I Know He Is Real

I wish I could tell it—how wondrous is He
Who once died on Calv'ry, and now lives within me!
I cannot describe it just how I now feel,
But glory to Jesus! I know He is real!
The doubts are all settled; I'm His, yes, all His
The love of Jesus, how boundless it is!
It fills me and thrills me, and makes my heart glow,
I've joy in His service as I onward go.
His presence is with me, His Spirit abides,
He saves me and keeps me and always He guides,
He sanctifies wholly; O praise the dear Name
Of One who throughout ev'ry age is the same.
A full “yes” to Jesus I've said in my soul,
His precious Blood covers, His grace makes me whole,
I love Him, adore Him, in woe or in weal—
O praise Him forever! I know He is real!
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