Written in a Thunder Storm July 15th, 1841
Heavens are wrath – the thunder's rattling peal,
Rolls like a vast volcano in the sky;
Yet nothing starts the apathy I feel,
Nor chills with fear eternal destiny.
My soul is apathy – a ruin vast;
Time cannot clear the ruined mass away;
My life is hell – the hopeless die is cast;
And manhood's prime is premature decay.
Roll on ye wrath of thunders – peal on peal,
Till worlds are ruins and myself alone;
Melt heart and soul cased in obdurate steel,
Till I can feel that nature is my throne.
I live in love, sun of undying light,
And fathom my own heart for ways of good;
In its pure atmosphere, day without night
Smiles on the plains, the forest and the flood.
Smile on, ye elements of earth and sky,
Or frown in thunders as ye frown on me;
Bid earth and its delusions pass away,
But leave the mind, as its creator, free.
Rolls like a vast volcano in the sky;
Yet nothing starts the apathy I feel,
Nor chills with fear eternal destiny.
My soul is apathy – a ruin vast;
Time cannot clear the ruined mass away;
My life is hell – the hopeless die is cast;
And manhood's prime is premature decay.
Roll on ye wrath of thunders – peal on peal,
Till worlds are ruins and myself alone;
Melt heart and soul cased in obdurate steel,
Till I can feel that nature is my throne.
I live in love, sun of undying light,
And fathom my own heart for ways of good;
In its pure atmosphere, day without night
Smiles on the plains, the forest and the flood.
Smile on, ye elements of earth and sky,
Or frown in thunders as ye frown on me;
Bid earth and its delusions pass away,
But leave the mind, as its creator, free.
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