To God the Son
Greate Prynce of heaven begotten of that kyng,
who rules the kyngdome, that himselfe dyd make:
and of that vyrgyn Queene, mannes shape did take
which from kynge Davyds royal stock dyd sprynge:
No mervayle though thy byrth mayd Angells synge:
and Angells dyttyes, shepehyrdes pypes awake:
and kynges lyke shepehyrdes, humbled for thy sake
kneele at thy feete, & guyftes of homage brynge:
For heaven & earth, the hyghe & lowe estate
as partners of thy byrth make aequall clayme.
Angells, because in heaven God the begatt,
Sheepehyrdes & kynges, because thy mother came
from pryncely race, & yet by povertye
mayd glory shyne in her humillitye.
who rules the kyngdome, that himselfe dyd make:
and of that vyrgyn Queene, mannes shape did take
which from kynge Davyds royal stock dyd sprynge:
No mervayle though thy byrth mayd Angells synge:
and Angells dyttyes, shepehyrdes pypes awake:
and kynges lyke shepehyrdes, humbled for thy sake
kneele at thy feete, & guyftes of homage brynge:
For heaven & earth, the hyghe & lowe estate
as partners of thy byrth make aequall clayme.
Angells, because in heaven God the begatt,
Sheepehyrdes & kynges, because thy mother came
from pryncely race, & yet by povertye
mayd glory shyne in her humillitye.
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