The Prince who said an English Senate can
The Prince who said an English Senate can
Do anything, but make a Woman Man:
That Wonder well performd, might now have seen
Since more than Man they give us in a Queen.
A Queen! whose Conduct will revive again
The Happyness of Great Eliza's Reign.
A Queen! (tho' Kings ne're cou'd) will let us see
That Privilege, and Prerogative may agree.
A Queen, whose Power even the Dead can Raise,
The Dead in Law, Buryd four Thousand Days!
A Queen, where Good and Powerfull unite
Makes Duty both our int'rest and Delight.
Lett the French Slaves theyr Salique Law admire
Theyr Law, nor theyr Religion we desire.
Unbounded Power may our Dross subvert,
But Goodness only wins an English Heart.
An English Parlament will make 'em know
The weaker sex, shall be the stronger now.
French Lillys to the English Rose must Bow!
What can true English wish for, more than this,
A Queen whose Heart intirely English is?
What surer Basis for a Throne can prove
Than Loyalty secur'd by English Love?
May these French-envyd Blessings last for ever!
And some small share fall to poor Merryweather.
Do anything, but make a Woman Man:
That Wonder well performd, might now have seen
Since more than Man they give us in a Queen.
A Queen! whose Conduct will revive again
The Happyness of Great Eliza's Reign.
A Queen! (tho' Kings ne're cou'd) will let us see
That Privilege, and Prerogative may agree.
A Queen, whose Power even the Dead can Raise,
The Dead in Law, Buryd four Thousand Days!
A Queen, where Good and Powerfull unite
Makes Duty both our int'rest and Delight.
Lett the French Slaves theyr Salique Law admire
Theyr Law, nor theyr Religion we desire.
Unbounded Power may our Dross subvert,
But Goodness only wins an English Heart.
An English Parlament will make 'em know
The weaker sex, shall be the stronger now.
French Lillys to the English Rose must Bow!
What can true English wish for, more than this,
A Queen whose Heart intirely English is?
What surer Basis for a Throne can prove
Than Loyalty secur'd by English Love?
May these French-envyd Blessings last for ever!
And some small share fall to poor Merryweather.
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