Serve in Thy Post
“That humble, simple duty of the day
—Perform,” he bids; “ask not if small or great:
Serve in thy post; be faithful and obey;
—Who serves her truly, sometimes serves the State.”
“That humble, simple duty of the day
Perform,” he bids; “ask not if small or great:
Serve in thy post; be faithful and obey;
Who serves her truly, sometimes serves the State.”
—Perform,” he bids; “ask not if small or great:
Serve in thy post; be faithful and obey;
—Who serves her truly, sometimes serves the State.”
“That humble, simple duty of the day
Perform,” he bids; “ask not if small or great:
Serve in thy post; be faithful and obey;
Who serves her truly, sometimes serves the State.”
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