
Now is the time to decide for Christ,
Now is the precious hour
When you may taste his love unpriced,—
Know of his grace and pow'r!
Now while he waits with pardon free,
Now while he waits to gracious be,
Now is the Father's accepted time,
When he will gracious be;
Now his kind heart in pity yearns
O'er your impurity;
Now while he is so very near,
Now while you bow repentant here,
Now is the time of your deepest need,
Now the propitious day,
When the dear Lord will save indeed,
Taking your guilt away,
Now while you stand at mercy's gate,
Now, ere it be, alas! too late,
Now is the time to turn from sin
And a new life begin.
Oh, ye halting ones, now, just now,
God is waiting to hear your vow;
Pledge him this moment beyond recall,
Love and service—your life, your all.
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