In Slumber Late

In a slumbir late as I was,
I harde a voice lowde call and crye,
‘Amende the, man, of thi trespace,
And aske forgeveness or evyr thou dye.’
In a slumbir late as I was,
I harde a voice lowde call and crye,
‘Amende the, man, of thi trespace,
And aske forgeveness or evyr thou dye.

‘Beholde,’ he saide, ‘my creature,
Whome I did make so lyke unto me,
What payns I sofferd, I the ensure,
Where thou were thrall, to make the free.
Upon the cross with naylis thre
Fast I was naylyd for thyne offence;
Therfore remembir the or thou go hence.’
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