The Sparrow and the Dove
It was, as learn'd traditions say,
Upon an April's blithsome day,
When Pleasure, ever on the wing,
Return'd companion of the Spring,
And cheer'd the birds with amorous heat,
Instructing little hearts to beat;
A Sparrow, frolic, gay, and young,
Of bold address and flippant tongue,
Just left his lady of a night,
Like him, to follow new delight.
The youth, of many a conquest vain,
Flew off to seek the chirping train;
The chirping train he quickly found,
And with a sancy ease bow'd round.
For every she his bosom burns,
And this and that he woos by turns;
And here a sigh, and there a bill,
And here—‘Those eyes, so form'd to kill!’
And now with ready tongue he strings
Unmeaning, soft, resistless things;
With vows and demme's skill'd to woo
As other pretty fellows do:
Not that he thought this short essay
A prologue needful to his play;
No: trust me, says our learned letter,
He knew the virtuous sex much better;
But these he held as specious arts
To show his own superior parts,
The form of decency to shield,
And give a just pretence to yield.
Thus finishing his courtly play,
He mark'd the favourite of the day;
With careless impudence drew near,
And whisper'd Hebrew in her ear,
A hint which, like the Mason's sign,
The conscious can alone divine.
The fluttering nymph, expert at feigning,
Cried ‘Sir!—pray Sir, explain your meaning—
Go prate to those that may endure ye—
To me this rudeness!—I'll assure ye—’
Then off she glided like a swallow,
As saying—You guess where to follow.
To such as know the party set
'Tis needless to declare they met;
The parson's barn, as author's mention,
Confess'd the fair had apprehension:
Her honour there secure from stain,
She held all farther trifling vain,
No more affected to be coy,
But rush'd licentious on the joy.
‘Hist, love!’ the male companion cried,
‘Retire awhile; I fear we're spied.’
Nor was the caution vain; he saw
A Turtle rustling in the straw,
While o'er her callow brood she hung,
And fondly thus address'd her young:
‘Ye tender objects of my care!
Peace, peace, ye little helpless pair!
Anon he comes, your gentle sire,
And brings you all your hearts require,
For us his infants and his bride,
For us, with only love to guide,
Our lord assumes an eagle's speed,
And like a lion dares to bleed:
Nor yet by wintry skies confin'd,
He mounts upon the rudest wind,
From danger tears the vital spoil;
And with affection sweetens toil.
Ah cease, too venturous! cease to dare;
In thine our dearer safety spare!
From him, ye cruel falcons! stray,
And turn, ye fowlers! far away.
‘Should I survive to see the day
That tears me from myself away,
That cancels all that Heaven could give,
The life by which alone I live,
Alas! how more than lost were I,
Who in the thought already die!
‘Ye Powers! whom men and birds obey,
Great Rulers of your creatures! say
Why mourning comes by bliss convey'd,
And ev'n the sweets of love allay'd?
Where grows Enjoyment, tall and fair,
Around it twines entangling Care,
While fear for what our souls possess
Enervates every pow'r to bless;
Yet friendship forms the bliss above,
And life! what art thou without love?
Our hero, who had heard apart,
Felt something moving in his heart;
But quickly with disdain supprest
The virtue rising in his breast,
And first he feign'd to laugh aloud,
And next, approaching, smil'd and bow'd:
‘Madam, you must not think me rude,
Good manners never can intrude;
I vow I come through pure good nature—
(Upon my soul a charming creature!)
Are these the comforts of a wife?
This careful cloister'd moping life?
No doubt that odious thing call'd duty
Is a sweet province for a beauty.
Thou pretty Ignorance! thy will
Is measur'd to thy want of skill;
That good old-fashion'd dame, thy mother,
Has taught thy infant years no other.
The greatest ill in the creation
Is sure the want of education.
‘But think ye—tell me without feigning,
Have all these charms no farther meaning?
Dame Nature, if you don't forget her,
Might teach your ladyship much better.
For shame! reject this mean employment;
Enter the world, and taste enjoyment,
Where time by circling bliss we measure;
Beauty was form'd alone for pleasure:
Come, prove the blessing; follow me:
Be wise, be happy, and be free.’
‘Kind Sir! (replied our matron chaste,)
Your zeal seems pretty much in haste.
I own, the fondness to be blest
Is a deep thirst in every breast;
Of blessings too I have my store,
Yet quarrel not should Heav'n give more;
Then prove the change to be expedient,
And think me, Sir, your most obedient.’
Here turning, as to one inferior,
Our gallant spoke, and smil'd superior:
‘Methinks, to quit your boasted station
Requires a world of hesitation:
Where brats and bonds are held a blessing,
The case, I doubt, is past redressing.
Why, Child! suppose the joys I mention
Were the mere fruits of my invention,
You've cause sufficient for your carriage,
In flying from the curse of marriage;
That sly decoy, with varied snares,
That takes your widgeons in by pairs,
Alike to husband and to wife,
The cure of love, and bane of life;
The only method of forecasting,
To make misfortune firm and lasting;
The sin, by Heaven's peculiar sentence,
Unpardon'd through a life's repentance:
It is the double snake that weds
A common tail to different heads,
That leads the carcass still astray,
By dragging each a different way.
Of all the ills that may attend me,
From marriage, mighty gods! defend me.
‘Give me frank Nature's wild demesne,
And boundless track of air serene,
Where fancy, ever wing'd for change,
Delights to sport, delights to range;
There, Liberty! to thee is owing
Whate'er of bliss is worth bestowing;
Delights still varied and divine,
Sweet goddess of the hills! are thine.
‘What say you now, you pretty pink you!
Have I for once spoke reason, think you?
You take me now for no romancer—
Come, never study for an answer:
Away, cast every care behind ye,
And fly where joy alone shall find ye.’
‘Soft yet;’ return'd our female fencer,
‘A question more or so—and then, Sir.
You've rallied me with sense exceeding,
With much fine wit, and better breeding;
But pray, Sir, how do you contrive it?
Do those of your world never wive it?’
‘No, no.’ ‘How then’ ‘Why, dare Itell?
What does the business full as well.’
‘Do you ne'er love?’ ‘An hour at leisure.’
‘Have you no friendships?’ ‘Yes, for pleasure.’
‘No care for little ones?’ ‘We get 'em;
The rest the mothers mind; and let 'em.’
‘Thou wretch! (rejoin'd the kindling Dove,)
Quite lost to life, as lost to love,
Whene'er misfortune comes, how just!
And come misfortune surely must:
In the dread season of dismay,
In that your hour of trial, say,
Who then shall prop your sinking heart,
Who bear affliction's weightier part?
‘Say, when the blackbrow'd welkin bends,
And winter's gloomy form impends,
To mourning turns all transient cheer,
And blasts the melancholy year;
For times at no persuasion stay,
Nor vice can find perpetual May;
Then where's that tongue, by folly fed,
That soul of pertness, whither fled?
All shrunk within thy lonely nest,
Forlorn, abandon'd, and unblest;
No friend, by cordial bonds allied,
Shall seek thy cold unsocial side;
No chirping prattlers, to delight
Shall turn the long-enduring night,
No bride her words of balm impart,
And warm thee at her constant heart.
‘Freedom, restrain'd by Reason's force,
Is as the sun's unvarying course,
Benignly active, sweetly bright,
Affording warmth, affording light;
But, torn from virtue's sacred rules,
Becomes a comet gaz'd by fools,
Foreboding cares, and storms, and strife,
And fraught with all the plagues of life.
‘Thou fool! by union every creature
Subsists through universal nature,
And this to beings void of mind
Is wedlock of a meaner kind.
‘While womb'd in space, primeval clay
A yet unfashion'd embryo lay,
The source of endless good above
Shot down his spark of kindling love;
Touch'd by the all-enlivening flame,
Then motion first exulting came,
Each atom sought its separate class,
Through many a fair enamour'd mass;
Love cast the central charm around,
And with eternal nuptials bound:
Then form and order o'er the sky
First train'd then bridal pomp on high,
The sun display'd his orb to sight,
And burnt with hymeneal light.
‘Hence Nature's virgin-womb conceiv'd,
And with the genial burden heav'd;
Forth came the oak, her first born heir,
And scal'd the breathing steep of air;
Then infant stems of various use
Imbib'd her soft maternal juice;
The flowers, in early bloom disclos'd,
Upon her fragrant breast repos'd;
Within her warm embraces grew
A race of endless form and hue;
Then pour'd her lesser offspring round,
And fondly cloth'd their parent ground.
‘Nor here alone the virtue reign'd,
By matter's cumbering form detain'd,
But thence, subliming and refin'd',
Aspir'd, and reach'd its kindred Mind;
Caught in the fond celestial fire,
The mind perceiv'd unknown desire,
And now with kind effusion flow'd,
And now with cordial ardours glow'd;
Beheld the sympathetic fair,
And lov'd its own resemblance there;
On all with circling radiance shown,
But, centering, fix'd on one alone:
There clasp'd the heaven-appointed wife,
And doubled every joy of life.
‘Here ever blessing, ever blest,
Resides this beauty of the breast;
As from his palace here the God
Still beams effulgent bliss abroad,
Here gems his own eternal round,
The ring by which the world is bound,
Here bids his seat of empire grow,
And builds his little heaven below.
‘The bridal partners thus allied,
And thus in sweet accordance tied,
One body, heart, and spirit, live,
Enrich'd by every joy they give,
Like Echo, from her vocal hold,
Return'd in music twenty fold;
Their union firm and undecay'd,
Nor time can shake, nor power invade;
But as the stem and scion stand
Ingrafted by a skilful hand,
They check the tempest's wintry rage,
And bloom and strengthen into age;
A thousand amities unknown,
And powers perceiv'd by love alone,
Endearing looks, and chaste desire,
Fan and support the mutual fire,
Whose flame, perpetual as retin'd,
Is fed by an immortal mind.
‘Nor yet the nuptial sanction ends,
Like Nile it opens and descends,
Which, by apparent windings led,
We trace to its celestial head.
The sire first springing from above,
Becomes the source of life and love,
And gives his filial heir to flow
In fondness down on sons below:
Thus roll'd in one continued tide,
To time's extremest verge they glide,
While kindred streams, on either hand,
Branch forth in blessings o'er the land.
“Thee, wretch! no lisping babe shall name,
No late-returning brother claim,
No kinsman on thy road rejoice,
No sister greet thy entering voice;
With partial eyes no parents see,
And bless their years restor'd in thee.
‘In age rejected or declin'd,
An alien ev'n among thy kind,
The partner of thy scorn'd embrace
Shall play the wanton in thy face;
Each spark unplume thy little pride,
All friendship fly thy faithless side;
Thy name shall like thy carcass rot,
In sickness spurn'd, in death forgot.
‘All-giving Pow'r! great Source of life!
O hear the parent! hear the wife!
That life thou lendest from above,
Though little, make it large in love;
O bid my feeling heart expand
To every claim on every hand!
To those from whom my days I drew,
To these in whom those days renew,
To all my kin, however wide,
In cordial warmth as blood allied,
To friends with steely fetters twin'd,
And to the cruel not unkind!
‘But chief the lord of my desire,
My life, myself, my soul, my sire,
Friends, children, all that wish can claim,
Chaste passion clasp, and rapture name,
O spare him, spare him, gracious Pow'r!
O give him to my latest hour!
Let me my length of life employ,
To give my sole enjoyment joy!
His love let mutual love excite,
Turn all my cares to his delight,
And every needless blessing spare,
Wherein my darling wants a share!
‘When he with graceful action woos,
And sweetly bills, and fondly coos,
Ah! deck me to his eyes alone,
With charms attractive as his own,
And, in my circling wings carest,
Give all the lover to my breast;
Then in our chaste connubial bed,
My bosom pillow'd for his head,
His eyes with blissful slumbers close,
And watch with me my lord's repose;
Your peace around his temples twine,
And love him with a love like mine!
‘And, for I know his generous flame,
Beyond whate'er my sex can claim,
Me too to your protection take,
And spare me for my husband's sake,
Let one unruffled calm delight
The loving and belov'd unite,
One pure desire our bosoms warm,
One will direct, one wish inform,
Through life one mutual aid sustain,
In death one peaceful grave contain.
While swelling with the darling theme,
Her accents pour'd an endless stream,
The well-known wings a sound impart,
That reach'd her ear and touch'd her heart;
Quick dropt the music of her tongue,
And forth with eager joy she sprung;
As swift her entering consort flew,
And plum'd and kindled at the view;
Their wings, their souls, embracing meet,
Their hearts with answering measure beat,
Half lost in sacred sweets, and bless'd
With raptures felt, but ne'er express'd.
Straight to her humble roof she led
The partner of her spotless bed;
Her young, a fluttering pair, arise,
Their welcome sparkling in their eyes;
Transported, to their sire they bound,
And bang with speechless action round:
In pleasure rapt the parents stand,
And see their little wings expand;
The sire his life-sustaining prize
To each expecting bill applies,
There fondly pours the wheaten spoil,
With transport giv'n, though won with toil;
While all collected at the sight,
And silent through supreme delight,
The fair high heav'n of bliss beguiles,
And on her lord and infants smiles.
The Sparrow, whose attention hung
Upon the Dove's enchanting tongue,
Of all his little sleights disarm'd,
And from himself by virtue charm'd,
When now he saw what only seem'd
A fact, so late a fable deem'd,
His soul to envy he resign'd,
His hours of folly to the wind,
In secret wish'd a turtle too,
And, sighing to himself, withdrew.
Upon an April's blithsome day,
When Pleasure, ever on the wing,
Return'd companion of the Spring,
And cheer'd the birds with amorous heat,
Instructing little hearts to beat;
A Sparrow, frolic, gay, and young,
Of bold address and flippant tongue,
Just left his lady of a night,
Like him, to follow new delight.
The youth, of many a conquest vain,
Flew off to seek the chirping train;
The chirping train he quickly found,
And with a sancy ease bow'd round.
For every she his bosom burns,
And this and that he woos by turns;
And here a sigh, and there a bill,
And here—‘Those eyes, so form'd to kill!’
And now with ready tongue he strings
Unmeaning, soft, resistless things;
With vows and demme's skill'd to woo
As other pretty fellows do:
Not that he thought this short essay
A prologue needful to his play;
No: trust me, says our learned letter,
He knew the virtuous sex much better;
But these he held as specious arts
To show his own superior parts,
The form of decency to shield,
And give a just pretence to yield.
Thus finishing his courtly play,
He mark'd the favourite of the day;
With careless impudence drew near,
And whisper'd Hebrew in her ear,
A hint which, like the Mason's sign,
The conscious can alone divine.
The fluttering nymph, expert at feigning,
Cried ‘Sir!—pray Sir, explain your meaning—
Go prate to those that may endure ye—
To me this rudeness!—I'll assure ye—’
Then off she glided like a swallow,
As saying—You guess where to follow.
To such as know the party set
'Tis needless to declare they met;
The parson's barn, as author's mention,
Confess'd the fair had apprehension:
Her honour there secure from stain,
She held all farther trifling vain,
No more affected to be coy,
But rush'd licentious on the joy.
‘Hist, love!’ the male companion cried,
‘Retire awhile; I fear we're spied.’
Nor was the caution vain; he saw
A Turtle rustling in the straw,
While o'er her callow brood she hung,
And fondly thus address'd her young:
‘Ye tender objects of my care!
Peace, peace, ye little helpless pair!
Anon he comes, your gentle sire,
And brings you all your hearts require,
For us his infants and his bride,
For us, with only love to guide,
Our lord assumes an eagle's speed,
And like a lion dares to bleed:
Nor yet by wintry skies confin'd,
He mounts upon the rudest wind,
From danger tears the vital spoil;
And with affection sweetens toil.
Ah cease, too venturous! cease to dare;
In thine our dearer safety spare!
From him, ye cruel falcons! stray,
And turn, ye fowlers! far away.
‘Should I survive to see the day
That tears me from myself away,
That cancels all that Heaven could give,
The life by which alone I live,
Alas! how more than lost were I,
Who in the thought already die!
‘Ye Powers! whom men and birds obey,
Great Rulers of your creatures! say
Why mourning comes by bliss convey'd,
And ev'n the sweets of love allay'd?
Where grows Enjoyment, tall and fair,
Around it twines entangling Care,
While fear for what our souls possess
Enervates every pow'r to bless;
Yet friendship forms the bliss above,
And life! what art thou without love?
Our hero, who had heard apart,
Felt something moving in his heart;
But quickly with disdain supprest
The virtue rising in his breast,
And first he feign'd to laugh aloud,
And next, approaching, smil'd and bow'd:
‘Madam, you must not think me rude,
Good manners never can intrude;
I vow I come through pure good nature—
(Upon my soul a charming creature!)
Are these the comforts of a wife?
This careful cloister'd moping life?
No doubt that odious thing call'd duty
Is a sweet province for a beauty.
Thou pretty Ignorance! thy will
Is measur'd to thy want of skill;
That good old-fashion'd dame, thy mother,
Has taught thy infant years no other.
The greatest ill in the creation
Is sure the want of education.
‘But think ye—tell me without feigning,
Have all these charms no farther meaning?
Dame Nature, if you don't forget her,
Might teach your ladyship much better.
For shame! reject this mean employment;
Enter the world, and taste enjoyment,
Where time by circling bliss we measure;
Beauty was form'd alone for pleasure:
Come, prove the blessing; follow me:
Be wise, be happy, and be free.’
‘Kind Sir! (replied our matron chaste,)
Your zeal seems pretty much in haste.
I own, the fondness to be blest
Is a deep thirst in every breast;
Of blessings too I have my store,
Yet quarrel not should Heav'n give more;
Then prove the change to be expedient,
And think me, Sir, your most obedient.’
Here turning, as to one inferior,
Our gallant spoke, and smil'd superior:
‘Methinks, to quit your boasted station
Requires a world of hesitation:
Where brats and bonds are held a blessing,
The case, I doubt, is past redressing.
Why, Child! suppose the joys I mention
Were the mere fruits of my invention,
You've cause sufficient for your carriage,
In flying from the curse of marriage;
That sly decoy, with varied snares,
That takes your widgeons in by pairs,
Alike to husband and to wife,
The cure of love, and bane of life;
The only method of forecasting,
To make misfortune firm and lasting;
The sin, by Heaven's peculiar sentence,
Unpardon'd through a life's repentance:
It is the double snake that weds
A common tail to different heads,
That leads the carcass still astray,
By dragging each a different way.
Of all the ills that may attend me,
From marriage, mighty gods! defend me.
‘Give me frank Nature's wild demesne,
And boundless track of air serene,
Where fancy, ever wing'd for change,
Delights to sport, delights to range;
There, Liberty! to thee is owing
Whate'er of bliss is worth bestowing;
Delights still varied and divine,
Sweet goddess of the hills! are thine.
‘What say you now, you pretty pink you!
Have I for once spoke reason, think you?
You take me now for no romancer—
Come, never study for an answer:
Away, cast every care behind ye,
And fly where joy alone shall find ye.’
‘Soft yet;’ return'd our female fencer,
‘A question more or so—and then, Sir.
You've rallied me with sense exceeding,
With much fine wit, and better breeding;
But pray, Sir, how do you contrive it?
Do those of your world never wive it?’
‘No, no.’ ‘How then’ ‘Why, dare Itell?
What does the business full as well.’
‘Do you ne'er love?’ ‘An hour at leisure.’
‘Have you no friendships?’ ‘Yes, for pleasure.’
‘No care for little ones?’ ‘We get 'em;
The rest the mothers mind; and let 'em.’
‘Thou wretch! (rejoin'd the kindling Dove,)
Quite lost to life, as lost to love,
Whene'er misfortune comes, how just!
And come misfortune surely must:
In the dread season of dismay,
In that your hour of trial, say,
Who then shall prop your sinking heart,
Who bear affliction's weightier part?
‘Say, when the blackbrow'd welkin bends,
And winter's gloomy form impends,
To mourning turns all transient cheer,
And blasts the melancholy year;
For times at no persuasion stay,
Nor vice can find perpetual May;
Then where's that tongue, by folly fed,
That soul of pertness, whither fled?
All shrunk within thy lonely nest,
Forlorn, abandon'd, and unblest;
No friend, by cordial bonds allied,
Shall seek thy cold unsocial side;
No chirping prattlers, to delight
Shall turn the long-enduring night,
No bride her words of balm impart,
And warm thee at her constant heart.
‘Freedom, restrain'd by Reason's force,
Is as the sun's unvarying course,
Benignly active, sweetly bright,
Affording warmth, affording light;
But, torn from virtue's sacred rules,
Becomes a comet gaz'd by fools,
Foreboding cares, and storms, and strife,
And fraught with all the plagues of life.
‘Thou fool! by union every creature
Subsists through universal nature,
And this to beings void of mind
Is wedlock of a meaner kind.
‘While womb'd in space, primeval clay
A yet unfashion'd embryo lay,
The source of endless good above
Shot down his spark of kindling love;
Touch'd by the all-enlivening flame,
Then motion first exulting came,
Each atom sought its separate class,
Through many a fair enamour'd mass;
Love cast the central charm around,
And with eternal nuptials bound:
Then form and order o'er the sky
First train'd then bridal pomp on high,
The sun display'd his orb to sight,
And burnt with hymeneal light.
‘Hence Nature's virgin-womb conceiv'd,
And with the genial burden heav'd;
Forth came the oak, her first born heir,
And scal'd the breathing steep of air;
Then infant stems of various use
Imbib'd her soft maternal juice;
The flowers, in early bloom disclos'd,
Upon her fragrant breast repos'd;
Within her warm embraces grew
A race of endless form and hue;
Then pour'd her lesser offspring round,
And fondly cloth'd their parent ground.
‘Nor here alone the virtue reign'd,
By matter's cumbering form detain'd,
But thence, subliming and refin'd',
Aspir'd, and reach'd its kindred Mind;
Caught in the fond celestial fire,
The mind perceiv'd unknown desire,
And now with kind effusion flow'd,
And now with cordial ardours glow'd;
Beheld the sympathetic fair,
And lov'd its own resemblance there;
On all with circling radiance shown,
But, centering, fix'd on one alone:
There clasp'd the heaven-appointed wife,
And doubled every joy of life.
‘Here ever blessing, ever blest,
Resides this beauty of the breast;
As from his palace here the God
Still beams effulgent bliss abroad,
Here gems his own eternal round,
The ring by which the world is bound,
Here bids his seat of empire grow,
And builds his little heaven below.
‘The bridal partners thus allied,
And thus in sweet accordance tied,
One body, heart, and spirit, live,
Enrich'd by every joy they give,
Like Echo, from her vocal hold,
Return'd in music twenty fold;
Their union firm and undecay'd,
Nor time can shake, nor power invade;
But as the stem and scion stand
Ingrafted by a skilful hand,
They check the tempest's wintry rage,
And bloom and strengthen into age;
A thousand amities unknown,
And powers perceiv'd by love alone,
Endearing looks, and chaste desire,
Fan and support the mutual fire,
Whose flame, perpetual as retin'd,
Is fed by an immortal mind.
‘Nor yet the nuptial sanction ends,
Like Nile it opens and descends,
Which, by apparent windings led,
We trace to its celestial head.
The sire first springing from above,
Becomes the source of life and love,
And gives his filial heir to flow
In fondness down on sons below:
Thus roll'd in one continued tide,
To time's extremest verge they glide,
While kindred streams, on either hand,
Branch forth in blessings o'er the land.
“Thee, wretch! no lisping babe shall name,
No late-returning brother claim,
No kinsman on thy road rejoice,
No sister greet thy entering voice;
With partial eyes no parents see,
And bless their years restor'd in thee.
‘In age rejected or declin'd,
An alien ev'n among thy kind,
The partner of thy scorn'd embrace
Shall play the wanton in thy face;
Each spark unplume thy little pride,
All friendship fly thy faithless side;
Thy name shall like thy carcass rot,
In sickness spurn'd, in death forgot.
‘All-giving Pow'r! great Source of life!
O hear the parent! hear the wife!
That life thou lendest from above,
Though little, make it large in love;
O bid my feeling heart expand
To every claim on every hand!
To those from whom my days I drew,
To these in whom those days renew,
To all my kin, however wide,
In cordial warmth as blood allied,
To friends with steely fetters twin'd,
And to the cruel not unkind!
‘But chief the lord of my desire,
My life, myself, my soul, my sire,
Friends, children, all that wish can claim,
Chaste passion clasp, and rapture name,
O spare him, spare him, gracious Pow'r!
O give him to my latest hour!
Let me my length of life employ,
To give my sole enjoyment joy!
His love let mutual love excite,
Turn all my cares to his delight,
And every needless blessing spare,
Wherein my darling wants a share!
‘When he with graceful action woos,
And sweetly bills, and fondly coos,
Ah! deck me to his eyes alone,
With charms attractive as his own,
And, in my circling wings carest,
Give all the lover to my breast;
Then in our chaste connubial bed,
My bosom pillow'd for his head,
His eyes with blissful slumbers close,
And watch with me my lord's repose;
Your peace around his temples twine,
And love him with a love like mine!
‘And, for I know his generous flame,
Beyond whate'er my sex can claim,
Me too to your protection take,
And spare me for my husband's sake,
Let one unruffled calm delight
The loving and belov'd unite,
One pure desire our bosoms warm,
One will direct, one wish inform,
Through life one mutual aid sustain,
In death one peaceful grave contain.
While swelling with the darling theme,
Her accents pour'd an endless stream,
The well-known wings a sound impart,
That reach'd her ear and touch'd her heart;
Quick dropt the music of her tongue,
And forth with eager joy she sprung;
As swift her entering consort flew,
And plum'd and kindled at the view;
Their wings, their souls, embracing meet,
Their hearts with answering measure beat,
Half lost in sacred sweets, and bless'd
With raptures felt, but ne'er express'd.
Straight to her humble roof she led
The partner of her spotless bed;
Her young, a fluttering pair, arise,
Their welcome sparkling in their eyes;
Transported, to their sire they bound,
And bang with speechless action round:
In pleasure rapt the parents stand,
And see their little wings expand;
The sire his life-sustaining prize
To each expecting bill applies,
There fondly pours the wheaten spoil,
With transport giv'n, though won with toil;
While all collected at the sight,
And silent through supreme delight,
The fair high heav'n of bliss beguiles,
And on her lord and infants smiles.
The Sparrow, whose attention hung
Upon the Dove's enchanting tongue,
Of all his little sleights disarm'd,
And from himself by virtue charm'd,
When now he saw what only seem'd
A fact, so late a fable deem'd,
His soul to envy he resign'd,
His hours of folly to the wind,
In secret wish'd a turtle too,
And, sighing to himself, withdrew.
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