Another Year

Another year of setting suns,
Of stars by night revealed;
Of springing grass and opening buds,
By Winter's snow concealed.

Another year of Summer's glow,
Of Autumn's gold and brown,
Of waving fields, and ruddy fruit
The branches weighing down.

Another year of happy work,
That better is than play;
Of simple cares, and love that grows
More sweet from day to day.

Another year of children's mirth;
Of friends, the tried and true;
Of thinker's thought, and poet's dream,
And prophet's vision new.

Another year at beauty's feast,
With every moment spread;
Of silent hours when grow distinct
The voices of the dead.

Another year to follow hard
Where better souls have trod;
Another year of life's delight,—
Another year of God!
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