A Remembrancer
Consider well some by-past Days,
On former Times reflect,
And see if thou in all thy ways
Art truly circumspect.
'Twas said in Scripture's true Record,
The People well have spoken,
Had they an Heart to serve the Lord,
And not so falsly broken
Their Sacred Vows, whereby they did
Engage in holy Fear
To leave undone what he forbad,
That they might know him near,
Strength'ning to do what he requires,
(In deep Humility)
And still begetting new desires,
His Name to magnifie:
Whose Promise is to dwell within,
Even in the Humble Heart,
And wholly to Redeem from Sin,
And of his Grace impart;
That we may know his just Command
Reveal'd within, and done;
And all destroy'd, that would withstand;
Then shall his Kingdom come,
Which doth consist in Righteousness,
In Peace, and Heav'nly Joy
In th' Holy Ghost, where Blessedness
Abounds Eternally.
On former Times reflect,
And see if thou in all thy ways
Art truly circumspect.
'Twas said in Scripture's true Record,
The People well have spoken,
Had they an Heart to serve the Lord,
And not so falsly broken
Their Sacred Vows, whereby they did
Engage in holy Fear
To leave undone what he forbad,
That they might know him near,
Strength'ning to do what he requires,
(In deep Humility)
And still begetting new desires,
His Name to magnifie:
Whose Promise is to dwell within,
Even in the Humble Heart,
And wholly to Redeem from Sin,
And of his Grace impart;
That we may know his just Command
Reveal'd within, and done;
And all destroy'd, that would withstand;
Then shall his Kingdom come,
Which doth consist in Righteousness,
In Peace, and Heav'nly Joy
In th' Holy Ghost, where Blessedness
Abounds Eternally.
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