Are We Thankful?

Are we being fair, I wonder,
With our Saviour and our Lord?
Do we call upon Him often as He
Bids us in His Word?
Do we ever kneel before Him in
The stillness of the night,
Giving thanks when through some
Trial He has guided us aright?

We may pray to Him at dawning
For a day of love and peace.
Living through the sunny hours
When our troubles seem to cease.
Do we kneel again at evening when
The day is spent and done
And recount these hours to Him,
Giving thanks for everyone?

If we prayed to Him at evening for
A night of quiet rest,
Did we thank Him in the morning
When he granted our request?
If we asked of Him some folly in
A prayer we thought was just
Did we come when He denied it
And repledge to Him our trust?

Though He knows our every action,
Thoughtlessness can grieve Him, too,
Let Him share our joys and sorrows
As a Friend has right to do.
Let us never be so busy nor so
Weary of the Way
That we cannot pause to thank Him
For the blessings of today.
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