Big Woman

Got a little bitty mama, and a big mama too
Got a little bitty mama, and a big mama too
My little bitty mama don't treat me like my big mama do

Hey hey mama, don't be mean to me
Hey hey mama, don't be mean to me
'Cause, don't you know baby, you and I can't agree
(Play it)

Hey hey mama, take your big legs off-a me
Hey hey mama, take your big legs off-a me
If you had good sense you could see I'm in misery

Hey hey mama, let's go 'cross town
Hey hey mama, let's go 'cross town
How can we have any fun when your big legs is holding me down
(Play it now)

Hey hey mama, gimme my shoes and clothes
Hey hey mama, gimme my shoes and clothes
I just found out I can't satisfy your soul
(Whup it now)

There's a train at the station, and I'm ready to go
There's a train at the station, and I'm ready to go
You'll never get a chance to put your big legs on me no more
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