I Stole Brass

Poets may sing of their Helicon streams;
Their gods and their heroes are fabulous dreams!
They ne'er sang a line
Half so grand, so divine
As the glorious toast
We Columbians boast—
The Federal Constitution, boys, and Liberty forever.

The man of our choice presides at the helm;
No tempest can harm us, no storm overwhelm;
Our sheet anchor 's sure,
And our bark rides secure;
So here's to the toast
We Columbians boast—
The Federal Constitution and the President forever.

A free navigation, commerce, and trade,
We'll seek for no foe, of no foe be afraid;
Our frigates shall ride,
Our defence and our pride;
Our tars guard our coast,
And huzza for our toast—
The Federal Constitution, trade and commerce forever.

Montgomery and Warren still live in our songs;
Like them our young heroes shall spurn at our wrongs:
The world shall admire
The zeal and the fire,
Which blaze in the toast
We Columbians boast—
The Federal Constitution and its advocates forever.

When an enemy threats, all party shall cease;
We bribe no intruders to buy a mean peace;
Columbia will scorn
Friends and foes to suborn;
We'll ne'er stain the toast
Which as freemen we boast—
The Federal Constitution, and integrity forever.

Fame's trumpet shall swell in Washington's praise,
And time grant a furlough to lengthen his days;
May health weave the thread
Of delight round his head.
No nation can boast
Such a name, such a loast,
The Federal Constitution, boys, and Washington forever.
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