Away to Twiver, Away, Away!

And did you not hear of a mirth that befell
The morrow after a wedding day,
At carrying a bride at home to dwell?
And away to Twiver, away, away!

The quintain was set and the garlands were made,
'Tis pity old custom should ever decay;
And woe be to him that was horsed on a jade,
For he carried no credit away, away!

We met a consort of fiddle-de-dees,
We set them a-cock-horse, and made them to play
The Winning of Bullen and Upsie-frees;
And away to Twiver, away, away!

There was ne'er a lad in all the parish
That would go to the plough that day
But on his fore-horse his wench he carries;
And away to Twiver, away, away!

The butler was quick and the ale he did tap,
The maidens did make the chamber full gay;
The serving-men gave me a fuddling-cap,
And I did carry it away, away!

The smith of the town his liquor so took
That he was persuaded the ground looked blue;
And I dare boldly to swear on a book
Such smiths as he there are but a few.

A posset was made and the women did sip
And simpering said they could eat no more;
Full many a maid was laid on the lip:
I 'll say no more but so give o'er.
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