The Battle of Finnsburg

. . . " are the horns of the hall on fire? "
Then Hnaef made answer, the battle-young king:
" This is no dawn from the East, nor flying dragon,
Nor fire burning the horns of this hall,
But men in armor; the eagle shall scream,
The gray wolf howl and the war-wood whistle,
Shield answer shaft. Now shines the moon
Through scudding cloud. Dire deeds are come
Bringing hard battle and bitter strife.
Awake, my warriors, seize your shields;
Fight like men in the front of battle;
Be bold of mood, be mindful of valor! "
Then sprang up many a gold-decked thane,
Girding on sword. The great-hearted warriors,
Sigeferth and Eaha, drew their swords,
Springing to one door; Ordlaf and Guthlaf
Guarded the other while Hengest himself
Followed them close. Garulf urged Guthere
In the first onset not so freely
At the door of the hall to hazard his life,
Where the bold in battle would wrench it away.
But the brave-hearted hero, for all to hear,
Called to know who was holding the door?
" Sigeferth is my name (said he); I am prince of the Secgas
A wide-known wanderer; I have borne many blows
In many fierce battles. At my hand you can have
Whatever you wish to have from me. "
Then in the hall was the sound of slaughter,
Boat-shaped shield upraised by the brave.
Bucklers burst; hall-boards resounded;
Till Garulf in fighting was first to fall,
The son of Guthlaf, with many a good man,
Bodies of dying. Swarthy and dark
The ravens were circling. There was flashing of swords
As if all Finnsburg were blazing with fire.
Never have I heard of worthier warriors
Who bore themselves better in brunt of war,
Or of finer service more fitly paid
Than those young heroes rendered to Hnaef.
Five days they fought and none of them fell,
His faultless comrades, and they held the doors.
Then a wounded warrior turned him away,
Said his byrny was broken his war-gear weak,
His helmet pierced. The prince of the people
Asked how the warriors survived their wounds,
Or which of the young men. . . .
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