Glasgow Peggie

" As I cam in by Glasgow town,
The Highland troops were a' before me,
And the bonniest lass that eer I saw,
She lives in Glasgow, they ca her Peggie.

" I wad gie my bonnie black horse,
So wad I my gude grey naigie,
If I were twa hundred miles in the north,
And nane wi me but my bonnie Peggie."

Up then spak her father dear,
Dear wow! but he was wondrous sorrie;
" Weel may ye steal a cow or a yowe,
But ye dare nae steal my bonnie Peggie."

Up then spak her mother dear,
Dear wow! but she spak wondrous sorrie;
Now since I have brought ye up this length,
Wad ye gang awa wi a Highland fellow?"

He set her on his bonnie black horse,
He set himsel on his gude gray naigie,
And they have ridden oer hills and dales,
And he 's awa wi his bonnie Peggie.

They have ridden oer hills and dales,
They have ridden oer mountains many,
Until they cam to a low, low glen,
And there he 's lain down wi his bonnie Peggie.

Up then spak the Earl of Argyle,
Dear wow! but he spak wondrous sorrie;
" The bonniest lass in a' Scotland
Is off and awa wi a Highland fellow!"

Their bed was of the bonnie green grass,
Their blankets war o the hay sae bonnie;
He folded his philabeg below her head,
And he 's lain down wi his bonnie Peggie.

Up then spak the bonny Lowland lass,
And wow! but she spak wondrous sorrie;
" I 'se warrant my mither wad hae a gay sair heart
To see me lien here wi you, my Willie."

" In my father's house there 's feather-beds,
Feather-beds, and blankets mony;
They 're a' mine, and they 'll sune be thine,
And what needs your mither be sae sorrie, Peggie?

" Dinna you see yon nine score o kye,
Feeding on yon hill sae bonnie?
They 're a' mine, and they 'll sune be thine,
And what needs your mither be sorrie, Peggie?

" Dinna ye see yon nine score o sheep,
Feeding on yon brae sae bonnie?
They 're a' mine, and they 'll sune be thine,
And what needs your mither be sorrie for ye?

" Dinna ye see yon bonnie white house,
Shining on yon brae sae bonnie?
And I am the Earl of the Isle of Skye,
And surely my Peggie will be ca'd a lady."
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